Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Glass Castle

93 Little Hobart Street, Welch, West Virginia
I really have to appreciate the optimism and positivity of the Walls mother. No matter what situation they are in she can always find the silver lining. When they moved to Welch to live with their crazy relatives in a shambled town where the sewage runs into the town river, she remarks that there aren't any other artists in town so her career could take of here where there isn't any competition. When her daughter says she hates Grandma Erma she even tells her that you have to love everyone; you just have to find their redeeming quality. When challenged as to what Hitler's redeeming quality was, she responded without hesitation that he loved dogs. It is hard to believe that despite living in the shambled conditions they did, she was always joyful and inspired her kids to look on the bright side. At one point when the family moved into Ninety-three Little Hobart Street, Lori made a sarcastic comment about how great it would be to own the little run-down shack with no plumbing that they were purchasing. Her mother told her she must count her blessings because people in Ethiopia would kill to have a place like it. She then proceeded to point out some of the "attractive" features, such as the "antique" coal stove. The unwavering optimism of Mrs. Walls, even in the toughest of times, amazes me. She is teaching her children how to be grateful and happy no matter what. This brings a whole new light to the old adage, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."


  1. Funny. I don't see it that way at all. The mom isn't positive, she's negligent at best. Perhaps mentally ill.

  2. are you a dumbass?????? that mom was a physio maniac....
